app crashes all the time when account is entered, app is closed and restarted...
app crashes all the time when account is entered, app is closed and restarted...
Easy to use as tool to manage multiple group conference calls. I have programmed different call in numbers and access codes and can now select the group and dial in automatically. Had difficult time programming existing account into application is why four star rating. Easy to send invitations to have others be on call.
At first I was distraught by this app. It kept crashing. Apparently you have to press sign in first (button on bottom left) before anything else. Id like to see a pop up for pressing elsewhere instead of the app simply crashing. The app is pretty good. Id like to see more of the things available online available on the app as well. It is certainly a start. Thanks Free Conference Call HD!
I wish the app could be a duplicate of the computer... I would love to see those on the conference call... Hopefully they would update this app ASAP...
Looks like a great app but wont let me sign in with my existing account (which works fine in the other apps and online). Too bad.
I am a new user of this particular application, so, I may report new issues on the road, but so far works fine, at least for a basic conference call dial in number + access code, aside the issues below: 1) As others had pointed out the lack of ability to insert “#’ or “*” in the “Access code” (Add guest access). 2) Edit button also used to “add” new number, kind of confusing (interface wise).
It wont let me login. It says network or Internet problem but I do have internet
I also get the network error no Internet and I have Internet. Please fix. iPhone 4S
When push pause or mute or any other key while on the call i get disconnected please fix it i use this alot.
Logon took like 30 seconds but then it was smooth sailing. The call quality was superb and I called on using the Internet.
Very easy to use and a great time saver!
Needs to be up dated to ISO8
Please help . It used to work excellent . Since the update it crashes as soon as I open it . No stars now
With the new iOS 8, it crashes. Doesnt work. Help!!
Great app but desperately needs an update! Cannot access with the new 8 OS. PLEASE UPDATE! Thanks
Used to LOVE this app until the IOS 8 update. I have even contacted the customer service about it & they need werent even to assist. Until the updates Ill be using another app. Please fix.
It got updated and works again! At last!
The app force closes every time I add guest account on iPhone 6 plus? Please resolve
CALENDAR ISSUE - it wont allow "ADD TO CALENDAR " function. It just freezes and wont allow you to select yes or no. Please fix issue.
Crashes on an iPhone 6 every time I try to log in to an existing account. Ugh.